Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Busy Week & Gabriella's New Song

We have been busy this past week! 

Xander's first Super Bowl game!

National Wear Red Day
to spread awareness for CHD (congenital heart defects)

I got a new haircut!
PS. I LOVE it! I finally feel like an adult since I'm not rocking the ponytail every day!

The kids grew some mustaches!

Gabriella thought it was hilarious

Xander wasn't too sure about it

Here he is at 5 weeks. He is the rolliest kid ever! he's already rolled over from his tummy to his back 4 times! And he is super close to rolling from his back to his tummy. He rolls around like crazy!

Today we had a cookie for snack after breakfast. Mommy needed one so Gabriella got one too. Here is the picture that we took to send to Daddy. 

Gabriella has recently started singing songs. Here is her rendition of Happy Birthday as she is singing it to her cousin Hunter.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!!! So stinkin CUTE! :D She is the cutest kid ever.
