This past weekend we headed out to Harris Beach for our annual family campout with my family. Gabriella slept half the way there and then entertained us by singing the rest of the way. We set up our tent quickly and then headed down to the beach with my parents, brother, his kiddo, finance and our little Munch!
James proceeded to drag April out into the ocean where they were both instantly soaked. Gabriella went squealing after them so out I went as well. The weather was great, about 70 degrees and the water was actually warm so we let the kids play as long as they wanted. Gabriella kept getting picked up by the waves (I was holding her by both hands so she just bobbed along in them) and James liked to lay down in them. Every time the waves came Gabriella would scream, "weeeeeee!" as she jumped up and down (or bobbed) in them.
Matt enjoyed lounging in his sand bed that he had made before the kids came back to play in the sand and took it over. After about an hour and a half of playing we headed back to camp to shower and get ready for dinner. Dad said that he saw Leonard Nemoy (he was talking to his body guard) and we spotted a little hobbit named Gabriella Baggins!
After dinner we headed over to the playground with the guys and kids. Mom got them each a little lantern at the dollar store so they had fun running around in the dark with them. Matt and Jonathan had fun playing too!
My mom's favorite thing to do at the beach is go to the tide pools so we headed down at low tide Saturday morning.
The kids had lots of fun poking around at things, Gabriella even held a crab that was bigger than her hand. Matt caught it for her and she picked it up right out of his hand and held it for a minute before throwing it down on the sand and then laughing as it scurried away.
Jonathan made him and James some little wooden boats and the raced them in the little river on the north side of the beach. They raced them about 5 times and we all had a ton of fun watching them get stuck on logs, sand bars, in whirlpools and seaweed.
After lunch Mom, Dad, April and I headed into town to yard sale and walk around while the guys stayed at camp with the kiddos and took naps. We stopped at a little candy shop and brought back treats for everyone.
James had a great time licking Pop Rocks out of the package.

I got Matt and hot chili pepper sucker with an actual chili pepper and seeds inside. He had trouble getting it away from Gabriella long enough to have some.
We headed back down to the beach again, but it was a lot colder Saturday than it was on Friday. The kids only played in the water a little bit, the boys raced their boats some more, and we had lots of fun burying people in the sand.
James ended up with a sand-bikini and Gabriella got a little Hitler-stache somehow. Dad spent most of his time at the beach using his metal detector.
Jonathan and Matt decided they wanted to go in the ocean so off they went.
We had some good laughs and then headed back to camp for hot showers and a snack before dinner because we were all freezing! We had hamburgers for dinner and then smores and popcorn for a snack. Everyone headed to bed early that night.
Sunday morning after breakfast we started packing up. James and Gabriella wanted to help too. So we let them play in our tent while Matt was loading up all the other stuff.
They had fun pretending to sleep on my mountain of pillows I took (camping in a tent at 20 weeks pregnant isn't exactly comfortable....)
We had one last trip to the playground with Gramma and then it was time to load up. We stopped at the wharf to look at all the boats and have some fresh seafood (gross!) then it was on the road to head back home and start in on the mountain of camping laundry....