Sunday, April 20, 2014


This Easter we had a no grain, gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, garlic, peanut, almond meal with some great friends of ours. (A combination of all our allergy restrictions). I really wanted to make deviled eggs but the traditional versions call for mayonnaise in them. I searched around on Pinterest for awhile and finally found some good ideas. So here is what I came up with.


One dozen hard boiled eggs
1 roma tomato
3 Tablespoons diced red onion
1 medium size jalapeño,  diced
2 avocados
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 cup diced cilantro
Juice from one lime

Cut the eggs in half lengthwise and put the yolks into a bowl. Peel the avocados and remove the pit. Add them to the bowl with the egg yolks. Sprinkle in the salt and pepper. Pour in the lime juice. Add the diced onion, tomato,  cilantro and jalapeño (make sure they are diced extremely fine). Smash the avocados and yolks and keep stirring with a fork until everything is blended together.

Spoon the mixture into the egg halves that are waiting. Enjoy right away!

Note: the leftover filling mixture is delicious eaten with organic blue corn chips!

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