Thursday, June 23, 2011

Puppy, Pants and Disc Golf

Today was just a typical day at home; dishes, laundry, giggles, Little People, eating, napping, etc.
 Gabriella managed to learn a few new things today.

She learned how to pick up her dog, Josie.

She also learned how to put pants on her arms.

After dinner our homegroup met at the park to play some disc golf. Last time we went Gabriella was confined to her front pack but this time she got to "play" with us before we headed over to the playground to do some swinging and sliding.

 Sinking a putt!

Catching Daddy on the slide. A second after I snapped this picture she yelled, "uh-oh!" and ran away from him while he slid off the slide and onto the ground.

I love doing things with Gabriella. She loves to learn new things and gets so excited about them when she can do them by herself. It is amazing to me how perceptive she is!

1 comment:

  1. The pants picture is so funny and cute. She is so fun!!
