Monday, October 28, 2013

No More Blue Lips (an update on Xander)

Well, this was a bad bout of croup for Xander. His cough was short lived but his immune and respiratory systems took a while to rebound from it.

He had several times of his lips turning blue for an hour or two at a time. A couple of night he just laid in bed beside me wide awake for several hours. Two days he fussed and cried almost nonstop.

We kept a close eye on his oxygen saturation levels with his pulse oximeter. His O2 level with the cough was at 95 most of the time. Then on Friday and Saturday it was down to 91-93% (these were the days he had blue lips on and off).  Last night and today he has been back up to 97-98% so we are very relieved. 

Be praying for us to find a good pediatrician up here so we can get him in and get a relationship established with them. We also want to find out why his oxygen levels keep dropping so low and if we can do something to help keep it up and avoid the blue lips.

He is pretty happy most of the time, even when he is sick. He is starting to go into his "testing" phase and wanting to be more assertive. So we are having lots of lessons and talks on "fun" and "not fun". But he is such a little blessing to us and we love him so much!! Thank you for your continued prayers for him, his trachea, his respiratory system and his immune system!

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